Profiles define how users access objects and data, and what we can do within the application. When we create users, we assign a profile to each one.
Our org includes several standard profiles where we can edit a limited number of settings. With editions that contain custom profiles, we can edit all permissions and settings except the user license.
We can define profiles by user’s job function. For example System Administrator, Developer, Sales Representative. A profile can be assigned to many users, but a user can be assigned a single profile at a time.
In this blog we are going to see How to restrict delete for profiles in salesforce,
Step -1 : Go to the Setup and search for the profiles in quick find box. Select the ‘profile’ in the below option.

Step-2: Now In profile, Choose any one of the profile and Click ‘Edit’ to proceed.

Step-3: In that profile, check the custom object section

Step-4: In that custom object permission, uncheck the delete permission. by unchecking the checkbox, deleting access denied to that specific profile.

Step 5 : Finally save it. Now the user can’t delete the record from that Object.
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For more click here : How to Set Up Email Address Internationalization in Salesforce