Our customer makes Nature accessible to the commercial industry with their suite of solutions including Moss Walls, Plant Walls, and living and Artificial Plants. They are the leading source of horticulture expertise and provide Interior Plant Services.
They were using Salesforce to maintain their contacts, records, and reports. Salesforce is a platform on which you can organize your business contacts, products, vendors, and leads.
Our customer was facing difficulty to track the installation date of plants, the replacement of new plants, and the plant age on-site.
- The user couldn’t create records under installed products
- Old plant age should be calculated when replaced with the new plant on the site.
- The proactive work orders didn’t create automatically for a few weeks on some site contacts.
- Created new fields in work orders to track the installation date of plants, replacements of new plants, and the old plant age.
- Given access to Apex class CreateInstallProductFromOrder_New and created installed product object to view the detailed information.
- Created a Plant Age field in Installed Products to show how long the plant has been installed and the field will get updated when any plant got replaced.
- Given permission to edit the site information to the user for both the lightning version and the classic version also.
- Disabled the contact look-up field filter in the site object to create the work orders automatically.

Project Details
- Category: Sales Cloud
- Client: Green oasis
- Year Of Complited: 2022