We all know a Salesforce feature that it provided Notes & Attachment related list in Salesforce objects. The related list having 3 buttons such as New Note, Attach File and View All. We are going to discuss here how to enable/disable the Attach File button in Salesforce classic. But first of all why we need this? As we know we can attach an attachment to a record and based on the record access user can access that attached file from that record only. But can we make available this attachment somewhere else apart from this record? Can we share the attachment with others? The answer is No. But we can achieve this if we disable the Attach File button and enable the Upload Files button. We can access upload files from that record and from Salesforce Files also and allows the sharing option too.

Follow the below steps to disable the Attach File button.
(i)Click Set Up.
(ii) In Quick find box search Salesforce Files.
(iii) Click on General Settings.
(iv)Then click on Edit button and check the option ‘Files uploaded to the Attachments related list on records are uploaded as Salesforce Files, not as attachments’

We can see now the Attach File button under Notes & Attachment related list removed and Upload Files button added.

- This feature only applies to upload of documents in Classic user interface via the Notes & Attachments related list.
- In Lightning regardless of whether the feature is on or off, uploading a document in the Notes and Attachments related list will still result in the document being added as a Salesforce File.
- This feature will not convert email attachments in the Salesforce Classic UI. Email attachments will continue to be Attachments and not converted to Files.
- This feature does not work if we upload documents or Attachment records using Data Loader or other API tools. The tool will import the document on the specific object, either Files (ContentVersion) or Attachments; we selected at the start of the insert process.
- Enabling this feature does not retroactively convert existing Attachment records and only applies to newly added files.
Click Here to know How to Access Salesforce Data in Offline