When we click a tab in Salesforce, we will see default columns / fields from records recently viewed. For most list views, But users can select which fields to display and how to order the view columns. However, they can’t edit the recent records quick list on object home pages. Only Salesforce admins can select and order the fields to display for the recent records view.
In Classic: to modify fields displayed in the Recently Viewed List on Object home pages, Go to Setup | Customize | object name | Search Layouts, click the object name Tab, we can select fields would like to show in the Recently Viewed List. we can order columns by selecting one or more fields from Selected Fields and clicking Up or Down.
Example for Account search layout

In Lightning Experience: Below steps to change the recently viewed list.
Step 1: From Setup, enter Object Manager in the Quick Find box, then select Object Manager. And Click the Account object for the Recently Viewed list we want to modify.

Step 2: From the menu of links at the top of the page, click Default layout. And click down arrow icon and select Edit.

Step 3: To add columns to the Recently Viewed list, select one or more fields from Available Fields and click “Add”. To remove columns, select one or more fields from Selected Fields and click “Remove”.

Step 4: Order columns by selecting one or more fields from Selected Fields and clicking Up or Down. Click Save.

For More Blogs : How to Place Related List Quick Links in Salesforce Lightning