To Cover the Wrapper Class test method in FieldAx, Code – public with sharing class sno_in_table{ public list<wrap> getRecords() { integer sno=1; list<wrap>emps=new list<wrap>(); list<employee__c>emp_records=[select name,phone__c from employee__c];...
We have a sample test class for covering the constructor in salesforce. Kindly see the below code. Controller:- public class MyAccountClass { //Class Constructor public MyAccountClass(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { //Do...
Try the below:- Get Recordtype Id by Name:- Id devRecordTypeId= Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get(‘Development’).getRecordTypeId(); Here, ‘Development’ is the record type’s name. You shuld use ‘someone’. Also, you will have to specify your...
Add Additional fields in the Web to Lead form without regenerating, 1.Generating the HTML code from Web to Lead 2.Incorporate the new HTML into your web site 3.Adding fields via...
How to change picklist value depend on textbox values ? We describe the solution dynamically change picklist value whenever textbox value is edited(without code). You need to create more...
We can show the Apex Page Messages. Apex Class: public class Messages{ public MessagesController(){ ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.FATAL,'Enter Account name')); ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'This is not valid')); ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.WARNING,'It should be correct format'));...
To find whether the record creation Date is Weekday or Weekend it would be simple formula., CASE (MOD ( CreatedDate – DATE (1900, 1, 7), 7), 0, “Weekend”, 6,...
We already have the function deep clone to clone the fields. It has been done via SOQL query(i.e selected fields only cloned). We need a dynamic clone of the...
We can create buttons using formula field. First, we need to create a button image Save this image in Documents object Use this image for creating a formula field...
If we want to see how many selected items in a multi picklist, it would be simple See the below, IF(INCLUDES( Multi_Picklist__c , “value 1”), 1, 0) + IF(INCLUDES(...
Can we schedule the Opportunity Amount instead by Opportunity Product scheduling? Yes, We have a solution for this. We can schedule the Total Opportunity Amount by divide and Repeat...
If we want to show the popup message by clicking the button, Then Click “ok” redirect to another Page and “Cancel” reloads the same page on Javascript. if (confirm(‘Are...